الاثنين، 24 فبراير 2014

No Nonsense Hope

No Nonsense Hope

Expert Author Joe T. White
"Dr. White, your wife has cancer and only has 5 months to live." Life is filled with many challenges. There will be setbacks, and there will be victories, but the most valuable thing that a person can have is hope. Without hope, life is not worth living. I am going to show you how you can have hope, even in the worst situation that will come into your life.
  • What is Hope?
  • Where do I find Hope?
  • How do I acquire Hope?
  • What do I do when there is no hope?
  1. The words hope and trust are often used synonymously in the Old Testament. Websterdefines it: to cherish a desire with anticipation. We sometimes use the term incorrectly when we say, "hope you are feeling better", as a figure of speech. Hope is the undisputed expectation that something spectacular is going to happen. Hope is our base of expecting there is a solution for the situation we may find ourselves in now.
  2. Where do we get this hope? For some, the source is the Holy Bible. For some, a dear friend offers them encouragement. Some turn to the family doctor for hope and inspiration. Hope comes to some through reading inspirational books.
  3. A person can gain hope from many of the same sources where hope is found. It may be a priest or minister. It may be your church or synagogue, but hope can be found. I am reminded of the kids having Christmas, and one of the children had asked for a pony. When he did not get the pony, he found a piece of straw and said, "There's a pony here somewhere!" That my friend is hope. Hope is where you find it.
  4. There will be times when there just is no hope. I have been there. My five year old girl was hit by a hit and run driver and left in the road for dead. When I picked her up in my arms and took her to the hospital, the doctor said, Mr. White, she will not make it through the night. There was no hope. When the doctor came to me and told me that my wife of fifty years had pancreatic cancer and would not survive more than five months. There was no hope. When the doctor held up the X-rays and told me that I was going to have to have a kidney removed, there was no hope. For me, I turned to God and the Holy Scriptures. I turned to friends and found inspiration. You may not believe in God, and I respect your feelings, however, it worked for me. My darling daughter is alive and well today. God brought a beautiful woman into my life after my first wife passed away. My kidney is still functioning, so for me, I found hope, where there was no hope.
I have suffered heartbreaking setbacks and have had some wonderful successes as well. I have written over 25 books and over 100 E-Zines. From life experience, schools, and research I have gained a wealth of knowledge that I like to share. My personal website is:http://www.joetwhite.com

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