الاثنين، 24 فبراير 2014

Never Stop Hoping!

Never Stop Hoping!

Expert Author Tina Finn
Hope is such a simple word, yet the meaning, so profound it should excite you. It is the expression of a desire to manifest something outside of your immediate experience. Its truestessence you will want to embrace with your whole heart, because that's where it resides and hope is what gives you life.
When you say, "I hope," you desire to experience something you believe your heart requires at that particular moment. What a beautiful and wonderful opportunity for creation. As you hold onto your hopes knowing they're a significant part of who you are, you're literally opening the door to creation, which expands your reality for greater abundance in all things.
It's important to see the opportunity. If you view your desires despairingly, you're not yet grounded in hope. Sometimes evidence of hope is not readily seen and often, may come in a different package. Hope is your reassurance. It isn't whether or not you get all that you hope for in the exact way in which you'd thought. What's vital for your happiness is simply continuing to hope.
"Hope deferred maketh the heart sick; but when the desire cometh it is a tree of life."-- Proverbs 13:12
This scripture beautifully captures the essence of hope. Hope and desire must go together, yet they are not one in the same. Desire fuels the fire for your being and hope is the constant knowing. When you have hope, desire is necessary to bring it to pass. When you lack hope, life feels empty. This is why you must constantly be seeking new plateaus of desire, while also maintaining the hope or resolution to achieve.
Think of the times in your life when you've been in anticipation of something you've desired, maybe a vacation, a wedding a new job or a friend coming to visit. You knew it was going to happen. You had no doubt. How did you feel, alive? I'm sure it's safe to say you were excited! It is hope coming together with desire resulting in a thrill for life. Where there is hope you will always find vitality.
As things move through your life experience you must remain confident. True hope never doubts, because the desire is too great. When there is absence of hope life is sluggish. One would feel empty and the heart would ache for something meaningful. And, know this for certain, every desire you have within your heart is of great significance, worthy and meaningful.
Your soul is completely different than any other and the desires you have are likewise unique. Hope is the absolute knowing you deserve and will obtain that which your soul seeks. However, realizing what your desires are can sometimes be tricky. We're mostly taught to pursue everything except what's truly in our heart. Unfortunately, this is why so many feel empty even with what may seem to be an abundant life.
In a nut shell, hope is the spiritual aspect of believing. And, that's a wonderful thing, because believe it or not we are all spirit beings. This means we all have the opportunity to be grounded in hope, when we recognize our strength is spirit.
You must realize that you are spirit. Live with confidence knowing you're heart/inner spirit wants to constantly be moving toward the aspects of your life that will build you into the person you've come here to be. So, hope is not fleeting, but is the larger and stronger part of who you are.
Never stop hoping! Continue moving in the direction of all that you desire and maintain hope even when it doesn't look the way you think it should. Be grounded in the understanding that your spirit deserves all that it desires. When this becomes real for you, you will automatically draw your dreams closer and closer to you.
Now this is living!
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