What are the best-paid jobs in 2013?
What are the best-paid jobs in 2013?
We take a look at what you need to do get among the top 10 earning professions in the country, according to the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings
Airline pilots can earn up to £95,000 and get to say 'Roger' a lot. Photograph: Tom Sheppard
Think you deserve a better paid job? The Office of National Statistics has just released its Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings 2013, so we can tell you exactly how to get one.
Just bear in mind, when reading the results of the survey, that it measures salary only; it doesn't take into account bonuses, the self-employed or celebrities who don't appear on company payrolls. The data is taken from a sample of employees paid via PAYE and works out the median gross salary, and the pay range is the lowest and highest percentiles available.
With all that in mind, here are the 10 best-paid jobs and some of the things you need to know if you are considering a career change.
1. Head of major organisations
Includes: CEOs and presidents leading organisations of more than 500 people.
Also known as: managing director, director, head honcho, boss of bosses, captain of industry.
Median gross pay: £84,453.
Annual change: +5.6%.
Pay range: £23,388 (10th percentile) to £126,229 (75th percentile).
What they do: steer (metaphorical) ships through troubled waters, ride the waves of new industries and put a steady hand on the tiller. But jump ship if you hear them say they are all at sea.
Defining characteristics: jetlagged. Sits in a lot of meetings. Talks on the phone in glass offices. Shakes hands with a good firm grip. Has people who "reach out" to other people.
The best actually ... lead and inspire their workers to succeed.
How to get there: many highly successful CEOs who earn mega-bucks don't have any formal qualifications, just experience leading teams and making profits. And sucking up to board members, no doubt.
Well, I never! CEO succession plans – ie, what should happen if the current CEO leaves – are reviewed by board members at least once a year in 84% of companies surveyed by Deloitte in 2012.
2. Aircraft pilots
Includes: flight engineers and flying instructors.
Also known as: flight captain, co-pilot, Ace.
Median gross pay: £78,356.
Annual change: -0.4%.
Pay range: £56,017 (25th percentile) to £82,944 (60th percentile).
What they do: talk to Roger a lot. Work 55 hours a week in a cockpit. Also fly, navigate, test engines and other equipment, conduct flight deck checks and generally try to avoid crashing aircrafts.
Defining characteristics: good vision. Wearers of uniforms, huge headphones and (hopefully) smiles on their faces.
The best actually ... fly us from A to B in one piece. And hold a licence.
How to get there: GCSEs, A-levels and learn to fly. You will need to have flown for 150 hours before you can even start to pursue a commercial pilot's licence. And to pass this, you'll need to undertake nine theoretical examinations and 25 more hours of flight training – and pay around £60,000.
Well, I never! 56% of commercial pilots recently surveyed by the British Airline Pilots' Association admitted to falling asleep while on the flight deck and, of those, nearly a third had woken up to find the co-pilot also asleep.
3. Marketing directors
Includes: sales directors.
Also known as: brand positioner, brand essence creator, brand refresher, brand explorer, president of brand.
Median gross pay: £68,438.
Annual change: +4.2%.
Pay range: £24,000 (10th percentile) to £104,636 (90th percentile).
What they do: use the brand to increase the organisation's market share. Guard the logo with their life. Undertake market research and brand audits. Make projections. Use mnemonics, venn diagrams and schematics in meetings … sorry, no, in "discoveries".
Defining characteristics: creative and often full of self-belief. May talks about occupying spaces, creating new silos and generally use language in a way no one else can understand.
The best actually ... get the word out about a product or service, and ensure demand is high.
How to get there: graduate from the school of life or get a qualification from the Chartered Institute of Marketing .
Well, I never! Women make up 75% of the professional marketing population in the UK, yet men are twice as likely to reach top marketing positions, says marketing recruiter EMR.
4. Transport associate professionals
Includes: air traffic controllers and ship and hovercraft officers.
Also known as: flight planner, ground movement controller, tin pusher.
Median gross pay: £64,889.
Annual change: +6.7%.
Pay range: £37,443 (20th percentile) to £88,829 (75th percentile).
What they do: direct planes and ships safely in all weathers and situations. Make judgment calls using complex navigational equipment, often in semi-darkness, working round the clock.
Defining characteristics: quick reflexes. Good at problem-solving, multitasking and planning ahead. Tech-savvy and calm under pressure. Tired.
The best actually ... get us where we're going alive – and on time.
How to get there: to become an air traffic controller, you only need five GCSEs and a couple of A-levels. But then you need to undertake an online skills assessment, a cognitive computer test, realistic scenario tests and competency interviews. Only 25 out of every 3,000 applicants are accepted on to National Air Traffic Services training course each year.
Well, I never! Errors by air traffic controllers often occur during periods of light or non-complex traffic, due to the effort required to maintain high levels of diligence and vigilance in these conditions.
5. Medical practitioners
Includes: surgeons, anaesthetists, consultants, GPs, physicians, psychiatrists, clinicians, registrars.
Also known as: doctors, quacks (not to their face). Sawbones if you're unlucky.
Median gross pay: £63,677.
Annual change: +4.4%.
Pay range: £19,123 (10th percentile) to £131,298 (90th percentile).
What they do: diagnose, treat, cure. Wear white coats. Ask for instruments abruptly and, some might say, rather brusquely. Sew.
Defining characteristics: confidence, strong stomachs and rubbish handwriting. Hard-working.
The best actually ... put us back together without leaving anything odd inside. Care about their patients. And cure us.
How to get there: the good news is, it only takes, oh, about 10 years of postgraduate training to become a consultant. Plus, of course, the initial five to six-year medical degree. The time will fly by! Just don't plan on getting much sleep.
Well, I never! According to dating website Uniformdating.com, 41% of men have flirted with a doctor while in the process of being treated for an injury or illness.
6. Company lawyers
Includes: patent attorney.
Also known as: corporate lawyer, legal executive, attorney.
Median gross pay: £63,484.
Annual change: +10.2%.
Pay range: £29,161 (10th percentile) to £93,847 (75th percentile).
What they do: fight battles with other company lawyers. Caveat everything, talk in jargon and work crazily long hours.
Defining characteristics: never give you a straight answer. Love small print. Often pessimistic and very cautious.
The best actually ... protect the company from getting sued. And save its bacon if it does.
How to get there: first university, then a post-graduate legal qualification, then years of practice as a solicitor, then apply. Your (social) life will never be the same again.
Well, I never! According to Etymonline.com, the word "attorney" was at one time such a term of contempt that it was formally abolished in 1873 and merged with "solicitor".
7. Public relations directors
Includes: communications directors, media directors, publicity managers and advertising directors.
Also known as: head of media relations, chief press officer, spin doctor.
Median gross pay: £60,486.
Annual change: unknown (sample size too small last year).
Salary range: £51,869 (40th percentile) to £66,088 (60th percentile).
What they do: co-ordinate the media strategy of their organisation. Listen to pitches, buy drinks for journalists and get flattered by agencies and subordinates.
Defining characteristics: imaginative, friendly and talented … or ruthlessly competitive and untrustworthy. It depends how you spin it.
The best actually ... change the way people perceive their organisation – for the better.
How to get there: a BA or MA in public relations or journalism experience. Having friends in high places never hurts.
Well, I never! More than 40% of PR professionals claim to spend two hours or more a week identifying market influencers on social networks like Twitter and Facebook.
8. Senior police officers
Includes: chief inspectors, chief superintendents, chief constables, chief officers and police commissioners.
Also known as: top bobbies (if you read certain newspapers).
Median gross pay: £57,664.
Annual change: -2.2%.
Pay range: £50,791 (10th percentile) to £63,103 (75th percentile).
What they do: lead police forces throughout the country. Deal with red tape. Attend meetings. Appear in front of the media.
Defining characteristics: respected by colleagues, with a whiter-than-white service record. Driven around by lower-ranking officers.
The best actually ... keep the peace. Without killing innocent people.
How to get there: at the moment, work your way up from the lowest ranks of police officers – but not for long. The government has announced plans to open up chief constables' jobs to experienced overseas recruits, to the anger of existing chiefs.
Well, I never! 54% of police officers believe public opinion has changed for the worse over the last 10 years and fewer than a quarter (22%) feel closely aligned with the stated values of their force.
9. Information Technology directors
Includes: telecommunications directors and CIOs.
Also known as: IT managers, data processing manager, head of IT, techie.
Median gross pay: £55,426.
Annual change: -11.5%.
Pay range: £30,240 (20th percentile) to £76,335 (70th percentile).
What they do: plan and manage IT projects.
Defining characteristics: knows lots of technical jargon about software incompatibilities. Enjoys a good rant about non-standard technology and security threats. Worries.
The best actually ... make their organisation more efficient and ensure it has the technology to compete.
How to get there: develop your IT and management skills, typically at university and then in the workplace. The Information Technology Management for Business degree is a recognised route.
Well, I never! A survey by consultancy CEB recently found that 40% of IT spending in an organisation is typically outside the IT director's control. That could be frustrating.
10. Senior officers in protective services
Includes: top officers in the armed forces, fire services, ambulance services and prison services.
Also known as: heroes.
Median gross pay: £54,539.
Annual change: -1%.
Pay range: £44,446 (20th percentile) to £63,481 (80th percentile).
What they do: keep us safe. They are responsible for protecting us from warfare, fire, accidents and, well, the bad guys. OK, so some do it from behind a desk, but others are out there serving in war zones and life-threatening situations, where the risk of death or injury is real.
Defining characteristics: brave. Calm, especially under pressure and in emergencies. Organised and well-prepared. Fed up (see below).
How to get there: prison governors are required to pass the National Offender Management Service graduate programme. Firefighters can boost promotion opportunities through qualification with the Institute of Fire Engineers. Armed forces require you to pass an Army Officer Selection Board followed by officer training.
Well, I never! In a 2013 Ministry of Defence survey, 44% of active service personnel rated their workload as too high and only 28% said they felt valued.
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