الثلاثاء، 21 يناير 2014

Italian study linked a lifetime of sucralose consumption to leukemia risk

Dr. Morando Soffritti, director of the Ramazzini Institute in Bologna, Italy, and team fed 843 laboratory mice varying doses of sucralose from when they were fetuses until they died.

Post-mortems showed an association between leukemia risk and lifetime sucralose consumption - the more sucralose they consumed, the higher their risk of leukemia.

Dr Soffritti said:

"Our early studies in rats showed increases in several types of cancer, and, in our most recent aspartame studies, we observed a statistically significant increase of liver and lung tumors in male mice. This shows aspartame causes cancer in various places of the body in two different species. Health concerns over aspartame are leading consumers to switch to the widely promoted alternative: sucralose.

Now that we have found evidence of a link between sucralose and cancer in mice, similar research should be urgently repeated on rats, and large scale observational studies should be set up to monitor any potential cancer risk to human health."

Dr Soffritti says that children and pregnant mothers should avoid consuming artificial sweeteners until appropriate studies clearly show there is no cancer risk.

On an online communiqué, CSPI added that the only long-term feeding studies on sucralose in animals, before the Italian one, were conducted by Johnson & Johnson, the makers of Splenda.

As things stand at the moment, these are the gradings CSPI gives to artificial sweeteners:
  • Splenda - caution
  • Saccharin - avoid
  • Aspartame - avoid
  • Acesulfame potassium - avoid
  • Rebiana - safe
CSPI adds that it would be useful to have further testing done on rebiana.

CSPI executive director Michael F. Jacobson, said:

"Sucralose may prove to be safer than saccharin, aspartame, and acesulfame potassium, but the forthcoming Italian study warrants careful scrutiny before we can be confident that the sweetener is safe for use in food."

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