الاثنين، 17 مارس 2014

HOPE - Do You Know the Secret Code in HOPE?

HOPE - Do You Know the Secret Code in HOPE?

Expert Author Gurutej Khalsa
H.O.P.E. Want to find out what secret is encoded in this?
Hope is one of my favorite words and it is at a premium right now. Many people have lost their hope and can't seem to find it. They want someone else or something to give them hope. Good I want to share mine with you. I do want to tell you one thing. You may not like what I'm going to say but hope is contagious. If you want to be hopeful you have to fill yourself up with hope and you have to keep the company of the hopeful.
How do you fill up with hope when it seems like we can recite all the reasons not to be hopeful. There appear many reasons to doubt hope at this moment. Yet.... when we get hopeless we loose our E. our energy goes down the tube and we have a name for this. Depression. The D word is not a part of hope and it renders us very lethargic.
What is hopeful about these times? Everything is being transformed. That is both scary and exciting. You don't have to choose one or the other it often fluctuates back and forth between the two. The old is caving in on itself and we have a chance to rebuild in a new more graciously inclusive way of living. Call it sustainable, call it green, call it pink I don't care but know it is more connected.
The connection you have to bring to the party called life is invaluable because without it the linking is weaker. You have a key to all this and it can only be discovered by you. Use all the help you want and need to uncover it. Truth be told you are the holder of it and only you can bring it forth. Others can help awaken it and structure it with and for you but you and you alone are your brand. This does not mean you have to do this alone. Quite the contrary this is not the time for alone. It is the time for alone.
1.     You have to know what you have to offer. The knowingness comes from being, meditating allowing the vision.
2.     You have to be able to look around and see who can support you in bringing this forward. Might be different people at different stages.
3.     Look at what parts and people you need to make this happen or look at what is happening and see how you can bring your gifts to something already in existence.
4.     This is not a static process. 1,2,3, done.
This is great to get you to a calm place of knowingness
Sitali Breath
Breathe out that stress...
Roll the tongue and stick it past your lips. If you cannot roll it, just make an "O" shape with your mouth with the tongue protruding slightly beyond the lips. Breathe in deeply through the mouth. Exhale slowly through the nose emptying the lungs all the way.
1-2 minutes
The best anti-stress breath available. The breath passing over the wet tongue creates a cooling effect.
To get some knowingness going it requires vision, to get vision you need stillness, to have stillness you must loose the anxiety, to loose the anxiety you must have yoga (that which connects and unites you), to allow yoga you must have enough self-worth intact, to have self-worth you need support, to ask for support requires knowing that you need it. So knowing
and asking remains at the core of this process. What do you know? What do you know is unknown to you? What help do you want? What do you have to offer?
This is just a brief outline of the success of HOPE. Are you ready to embrace hope? To be the epic-center of HOPE? If yes then connect with mewww.gurutej.com sign in at my optin box get a little gift, connect, and tell me how I can help you with HOPE.
follow me http://www.theenergyguru.blogspot.com/
"Diamonds or Dust the choice is yours
both are created by pressure".
What do you do with yours?

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