الاثنين، 17 فبراير 2014

Life Purpose - How to Get One!

Life Purpose - How to Get One!

Expert Author Dawn Abraham
So many people want to know, "How do I find my life Purpose?" Once I find it, then what?" These are questions I encounter on a regular basis. I remember when I didn't have one. Mine was actually lost, I was searching...
Before I go on, I want to define what that it means to me. I believe it is your reason for living. It is what makes you get up in the morning. It's what you love to do and what you naturally do the best.
This started my journey to find a meaningful life purpose.
It is something that lights you up inside and everyone who comes in contact with you can feel that light. Have you ever been around someone whose energy is so bright you are instantly attracted to that person? They are living their purpose.
I believe we all have a life purpose. Whether we are living it or not is another thing. It's very much like Your life passion. If you're reading this article and you think you are one of those rare people who don't have one, I hate to burst your bubble here.. you have one it's just hiding.
My purpose today is to help you find your Life Purpose. By sharing with you how I found mine and how I have helped others discover theirs.
What do I love to do?
1. I started with a list of all the things I love to do. What makes you smile when you think of doing a certain thing? (at this point you should get a piece of paper because your going to start writing your list...you'll see how this works once we go through the steps)
Example: I love to write, I love to inspire people to grow, I love music, I love to sing, I love to read, I love Yoga, I love to meditate, I love to share with people, I love shopping...etc.
(Can you see where this is going?)
Next I wrote down all the things that come naturally to me.
2. Communicating, motivating people, writing, creating new concepts- putting them into action, thinking out side of the box, dancing, sensing peoples energy ...etc.
When I looked at the different things that came easily to me and the things that gave me pleasure it seemed inevitable that my life purpose had something to do with people and helping them in some way. Okay so I had that part down.
Then I started to examine the different ways I could go about helping people. I looked at the writing aspect. That was one way. I looked at teaching. Maybe a yoga or meditation instructor?, that's another way. That's another way. I looked at how I love to help people thrive, another way.
Narrowing it down
3. Now my two lists started to meld into one list. With items that seemed to naturally go together.
New list:
Yoga, Meditation, helping people, communicating, motivating people, thinking outside the box, writing.
Trying it on for size
4. Next, I imagined myself as a yoga teacher. What would that actually feel like? Is that something that fits into my life? Does this help people? I did this with each item in the list. I really took the time to try these different ideas on for size and see how they fit. This can be done in many different ways. Visualization is one way.
Another way can be to try out the different yoga classes in your area and get a feel for what it would be like if "you" were instructing that class. Can you see yourself doing it? Does it feel right to you? After trying on the different ideas in my list in the conventional way, something still didn't feel quite complete to me.
This is where thinking out side the box comes in.
I really love all the benefits that I get from yoga and meditation. I love to share with people and I love to write. Why not write a article or e-book on yoga and it's benefits.
Then I had another thought I could write about all the different and amazing techniques I have experienced in meditation, sharing these with people who may need some new suggestions on meditating or just any suggestions on meditating for that matter. I thought about the different angles that I could write about. I could write for example: My favorite meditation techniques or beginning meditation that accomplishes this and a more in depth meditation that accomplishes that. The possibilities became endless.
Now my creative juices were flowing. I was getting really energized about this. I realized that writing about the things I love and sharing them with people was really feeling incredible to me. I started to feel like I just won the lottery! Once I opened my mind to other ways of sharing with people other then becoming an actual yoga instructor or meditation instructor, I knew I was making progress. The gates were opening!
I let these ideas sit with me as I took the next step. I did some investigating.
5. I searched the web. Here I put in quite a few different searches. I searched under:
How to become a yoga instructor
Helping people
Motivating people
Becoming a motivational speaker
Becoming a therapist
Teaching meditation
Meditation ...etc.
Next I did a different type of search, one that would tell me who was already doing these things. How much did they charge? What were they offering? I thoroughly investigated their websites and spoke to people who did these types of things. This way I could really get a feel for what it may be like to be a motivational speaker etc.
Putting it out there
6. I then started talking about my ideas to people who knew me well. My sister has always been a great help there. I can count on her for the truth and support. That is very important when you're searching for your Life Purpose.
Make sure the people you choose to talk with are people in your life that support you and have a positive out look. Between my sister, Leah and a few other close friends I started to get other ideas. This lead to my friends sharing with me what they saw as my strengths.
That was very helpful. The main theme I heard over and over was how gifted I am at helping people with their life and career situations. They said, I have wonderful ideas and I am very inspiring and up lifting. And I've had a lot of life experiences was another reoccurring theme. That would be the understatement of the century.
I certainly wasn't one to sit back and watch. I've always dived right in and took chances. Some of those chances turned out good, some great, others not so great. But I learned and grew from them. Sometimes slowly.... sometimes real slowly. :)
This whole time I left my mind open. Remember I am just investigating now, not making any decisions yet.
Writing it out
7. This step was really powerful for me. I started to write what I wanted my life to look like. I kept all the progress I made up until this point and included that into this piece of writing.
Something magical happened when I started to write this out. It felt real to me. I could actually see it coming to life. I noticed that when I was writing I became more detail oriented. Everything started to come together. I started to see my life purpose unfold. What ended up on that piece of paper is exactly what I'm now doing in my life.
I simply let the writing take me down the path where I wanted to be. I didn't stop for one moment in the writing process and say, "Dawn you can't do this because you won't make enough money." or "Dawn, isn't there quicker way of getting to your life purpose?"
Instead I wrote what I really wanted in life. Funny enough that is my life purpose.
Example of the writing
What is the most important thing(s) I have to offer?
I have learned to find ways to navigate easily and effortlessly in this world. My enthusiasm and excitement for life!
How do I want to do this?
I want to work from my home office. I want to write while looking at the ocean in a bright sunny environment. I'm setting my own hours. ( This is very important to me allowing time for yoga, meditation and my private life.) Balance
How does it play out?
Interacting with clients on the phone a session would last 45-50 min. Possibly, e-mailing
some type of questioner to find out where the person is coming from. Before each session I meditate and center myself.. etc.
(this is a portion of my rough draft, what I wanted my life to look like. At the time I didn't know what a life coach did. But I knew what I wanted to be doing. I knew what came naturally to me. I knew what my Life Purpose was. Who knew there was a word for it? .. LIFE COACH)
At this point in my journey it seemed obvious.
My life purpose is to be of service to all others through self awareness, inspiration and motivation.
I knew that I wanted my life purpose to transcend into my career and throughout my entire life.
This is something that is very important to me. To live my purpose in everything I do.
Putting it all together
8. Now that I knew what my life purpose was, and I had a rough idea of how I wanted to go about it. I needed to put that into action.
My first action step was to tell my group of friends or support group as I like to call them. What I had discovered. Three of them said it sounds like you are talking about a Life Coach. I said "Noooo!" I really didn't understand what a life coach did at that time. What do you think my next step was?
Second action step was to investigate Life Coaching. And once I did this thoroughly, not only through the web, I talked to a few people who were Life Coaches and investigated Life Coaching schools...
I found out that life coaching was exactly what I had been describing. That was a fantastic feeling. That fit me. It felt right. I was helping people and motivating them in positive ways while in a career that perpetuates growth for my clients as well as me. I was already doing this without knowing it.
Only I wasn't doing it full time or should I say, "as a career."
Over coming the obstacles
I did have one problem that kept bothering me. I am talking about my Life Purpose. Should I be charging for that?
I always felt that what came naturally to me was freely given as a gift and therefore I would also give it away as a gift.
I have found a way to do that...this article and this website has tons of these gifts. FREE! I also make time for my charity work and of course I continue to help my friends and family for FREE of course.
Making it happen!
I came to the realization that making a living at my life purpose is one way to integrate that purpose into the whole of my life. I will always be of service to all others in many different ways, most of which are free!
If you need additional help with finding your life purpose visit my web site: Qualified-Lifecoach.com
Dawn Abraham CTACC Life/Business Coach, "Official Guide" and expert of Small Business Marketing at selfgrowth,.com partnering with professionals and entrepreneurs to create balanced lives while earning more money. Web site includes: Law of Attraction, Self Esteem, Yoga, Meditation, Motivation, Reiki, Private Coaching, Group Coaching, Free Life Changing Mp3's and Tele-classes are offered. Go to my web sit for your FREE Mp3's http://www.qualified-lifecoach.com

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