Faith Follows Hope
"Strange is our situation here on earth. Each of us comes for a short visit, not knowing why, yet sometimes seeming to a divine purpose."
Albert Einstein, Scientist-Philosopher
When a scientist-a man who deals only in provable facts-knows we come from somewhere else into an earthly existence, and that we are here for a divine purpose, then this little story should not seem so far fetched.
In the early 1900's Europe was experiencing a horrific war and many families -like their world around them-were being torn apart. In the midst of mass chaos and devastation, Harold and Katherine, a frightened but brave young couple, made the difficult and heartbreaking decision to abandon their family home and flee to America. Seeking refuge for themselves and their soon to be born child, they settled in the strange, wonderful world of New York. And, just as they had dreamt about in the old world, they made a safe, warm home in which to welcome a beautiful baby daughter.
The birth of their child filled Harold and Katherine with a new found hope for themselves and their daughter, and so they named the baby Hope.
The new parents loved Hope dearly. Because they did not want her to suffer the kind of sorrows and fears they remembered, Katherine and Harold tried to shelter Hope and keep her from all harm. They did everything they could to keep her safe, happy, and protected. They decided what schools she should attend and chose her playmates carefully. Throughout Hope's childhood, the couple endeavored to make thoughtful and wise decisions for their precious daughter.
When the time came for Hope to go to college, she longed to attend the beautiful art school she had always dreamt about in her heart and soul. The school was not nearby however, and Hope's parents wished her to remain close to them so they could continue to watch over her. They wanted Hope to have a prosperous life, but, as everyone knew, artists were always poor! Hope wanted to please her parents and make them proud of her. Therefore, she dutifully stayed at home and attended college in town.
While at school, Hope met the boy of her dreams. He was very handsome, artistic, and a free-spirit just like Hope always envisioned herself to be. They fell in love instantly.
One holiday, Hope brought her young man home for her parents to meet. Harold and Katherine, however, immediately disliked the boy. They thought such an independent young man-an artist!-would never be prosperous. How could he provide for their daughter and keep her safe as they had? Harold and Katherine feared they would always be worried for their beautiful Hope. Moreover, they had already found a young man whom they believed would love and keep their daughter safe and well cared for, both throughout their lives and beyond, when they were gone.
So, since Hope loved her parents and knew they loved her, she once again reluctantly abandoned her dream and sadly agreed to marry the nice young man her parents chose for her. She thought she could learn to love him... perhaps.
As the years went by Hope did have a safe-and sometimes happy-life. She became a mother herself, and was loved by all her family and friends. Nevertheless, one fateful day Hope passed on. Everyone who knew her was saddened, as she had been a wonderful daughter, wife, mother, and friend to all. Although they would miss her, everyone believed she had earned her spot in Heaven.
As expected, Hope did enter Heaven, and it was as beautiful as she imagined it would be.
Immediately upon her arrival, three glorious white lights lovingly wrapped themselves around Hope's being. She heard the voices of God and Jesus, and felt the energy of the Spirit envelope her. Then, speaking in one gentle Voice, God/Jesus/Spirit told Hope They had been expecting and eagerly awaiting her return. God confirmed Their love for her and praised Hope for what a wonderful woman she had become. The Voice thanked her for all the good she had done while on the earthly plane.
To Hope's great surprise, however, the Voice informed her that she could not remain in Heaven but must return to the earthly plane! God then shared with Hope the mystery of life. They lovingly showed her that God is the Energy, the Word, and the Light of the world, and that Hope was their Body. She learned how, in the beginning, They created Hope and all the others so that God, as the Word, the Energy, and the Light, could experience Themselves in an earthly body.
With great care and compassion, the Voice told Hope that even though she was a loving daughter, wife, and mother, she nevertheless had neglected her true spirit-that unique spirit God had planted deep within her soul. Since Hope had ignored Their voice and chosen to follow her own path, They were never able to create through her the magnificent things she and the world needed. She never created nor lived her own authentic life. She lived the life of her parents, husband, children, and friends... but never lived her own special, unique life, the magnificent life They sent her here to create.
Then, one of the Voices lovingly told Hope she would have another chance... and as many chances as she needed... even as long as eternity... to create and live her own unique life. He had given up His earthly life to show her how, and He would always be there to lead the way.
Hope understood what she had been shown, and her spirit joyfully returned to the earthly plane to be reborn into a brand new body. Her new young parents looked into their baby's eyes, and deep into her soul, and named their beautiful new daughter Faith... for in God's plan they knew that through Hope comes Faith.
It is through Faith that we manifest and live out in an earthly body the divine purpose and authentic life we were sent here to create as one with God.
Steve Monahan
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