الاثنين، 24 فبراير 2014

What Is Hope and Where Can I Get It?

What Is Hope and Where Can I Get It?

Expert Author Steve Wickham
There are times
When our hope within,
Has no basis,
And we don't know where to begin.
Then when we are raised,
A renaissance occurs,
Suddenly hope
Within us God he stirs.
Hope is a light,
A vast eternal flame,
Hope is from God
We find it in His name.
Hope is the love
Of self enough to sustain,
Life as it is,
In Jesus' name.
We can know this much,
Because it is true,
We know it most certainly,
Because we feel new!
Hope is the grace of presence; to be perfectly content that very second. No matter what we have experienced immediately beforehand, hope comes suddenly, surprising, joyously, relieving, and new!
Hope is living,
Living for today,
But not in any foolish
Or selfish kind of way.
Living very intentionally
Is certainly the theme,
Oh to be fully enrolled,
In God's hope-embodied scheme!
Hope is a state of mind and heart; poised with all of life beautifully ahead, yet loving the moment in all its cherished simplicity.
Hope is something nimble,
It flexes and gels and more,
It moves with the threads of life,
In ways where we verily explore.
Hope burgeons with myriad options,
Related to the intensity
Of life lived at life's own pace,
In all of its immensity.
Hope doesn't shrink. Hope adapts. Hope moves. Hope morphs. Hope explores. Hope reconciles. Hope runs beyond acknowledged weakness and into God's glorious light.
Hope finds its source in the gospel of God through Jesus our Lord - once one accepts this Christ into their lives - to live and die for.
Each time we open our Bibles, perhaps in a case of annoying and despairing hopelessness, this living Word compels us to search its great mysteries, and the Spirit of God leads us to a passage, a verse, a single word. We are 'enlightened' in this as we can only be truly enlightened - the holy revelation of God peering through into our hearts, healing our souls for the moment, for the foreboding, and into a sustaining future.
Hope is a great thing - a schema of God designed to sustain and grow us.
Hope comes when we need it, provided we keep searching and refuse to give up. Great is the hope of God in Jesus Christ. The more we enter into the life and times of Christ, as he lived in others, and how he lives in others, the more we gaze upon the material of healing and partake of what is eternally offered. That's hope.
© 2014 S. J. Wickham.
Steve Wickham is a Baptist Pastor who holds Degrees in Science, Divinity, and Counselling. Steve writes at: http://epitemnein-epitomic.blogspot.com.au/ and http://tribework.blogspot.com.au/

Magnifying the Experience of Hope

Magnifying the Experience of Hope

Expert Author Steve Wickham
Hope's to be explored,
And not to be ignored,
As is the human way,
Hope is a light,
When fading is our sight;
With God, "our Hope," every day.
We experience hope as we experience God. Magnifying the experience of expectation is, hence, simply the matter of spending time with God, in the Presence of Him who helps, under the Shelter of the Almighty.
If anyone wise wants anything in this life, it's to feel at ease with themselves. They wish to magnify that which sets joy apart. They want what only God can give, and wiser, still, are they when they sense this truth and go truth's way.
Surely everyone waits in expectation; but the manifestation of one person's hope is vastly different to another's as they imagine it. That's why it's the wiser person who seeks the simplicity of hope - with the resplendence of its Power - in the LORD.
The fool has expectation in that which cannot satisfy - every external thing. Our hopes - our true hopes - are borne under the breath of the Spirit of God: existing deep within us, through life itself, in others as they relate with us and we with them, and in what I will call "ritual space," which is that rich layer of spiritual depth found in seeking God devotionally and meditatively.
If we wish to magnify whatever experiences we have of hope we are best seeking a more solemn and integral relationship with the LORD. That is, we toss the world as it is away; not to reject it, but to refute its importance in our lives. Hope - true hope - hope swelling with possibility to blow our minds regarding the goodness and greatness of God - cannot be found in the world's system.
But everything of God is ever present, so hope can be magnified everywhere - when we have sight for it!
Making the most of our lives is about magnifying the experience of hope. We find hope nestled in God, in the midst of life, away from the distractions of the world. We find hope magnified when we draw close to people and situations nestled in God.
We find hope under the Shelter of the Almighty, always. It's all about experience.
Go in hope. Surround your hopes in hope. God is hope, and every search for God is the assurance of hope to be found sometime soon, glittering for joy and full of goodness.
© 2013 S. J. Wickham.
Steve Wickham is a Baptist Pastor who holds Degrees in Science, Divinity, and Counselling. Steve writes at: http://epitemnein-epitomic.blogspot.com.au/ and http://tribework.blogspot.com.au/

Real Love Always Hopes and Perseveres

Real Love Always Hopes and Perseveres

Expert Author Michael Hagans
Love always hopes:
Having hope in something is not always the easiest thing to do. Our circumstances and situations may look very dim and bleak. We may feel discouraged about any number of things, from our families, to our careers, to even our health. Though we may feel discouraged at certain times, something happens when we get a little hope. Like when a baseball team is being beat 6 to 0 in the 9th inning. All of sudden, after a few base hits and a walk the bases are loaded. Now seemingly out of nowhere this team that thought defeat was certain now starts to come alive. They get enthusiastic, they lift their heads up, and they get excited. They see there is still a chance for victory. This is what hope does. It brings joy and it brings enthusiasm. Joy for the present and enthusiasm for the future. Even when our marriage may be on the rocks, or the job is looking very bleak, or we received a bad report about our health, all it takes is a glimmer of hope and things can start to turn around.
So how can we get this hope? Well, love is the perfect breeding ground for hope. When love is in our hearts, we will always seek the best for others and for ourselves. When we have it, we pretty much create hope in our environment. The goodness that is found in love creates hope wherever it goes.
Without love having real hope is difficult. The nature of love is to hope for an expected end, a good end. If your child is not well, your love for your child will hope for a full recovery. If you had a bad argument with your wife, your love for her will hope that you can smooth things over. Or let's say you borrowed something from a friend and then damaged it, because of your love for your friend you hope they will not be offended and then you look for a way to make it right if possible.
One of the byproducts of having hope in a situation is that it almost automatically causes us to take actions that are beneficial in bringing to pass what we are hoping for. In other words, when we have hope we begin to do the necessary things that it takes to make it happen. For instance, if I am hoping to pass a difficult test, I'll almost naturally begin to study better to make sure I pass. If I am hoping to become a better husband, I will take the necessary actions so that I will become the husband I hope to be. If I am hoping for a promotion, I'll work smarter and harder, taking the necessary steps to put myself in good position for that promotion. Regardless of what you're hoping for, when you begin to have hope, you will naturally begin to do the things necessary to make sure that your hope is not in vain.
Love always perseveres:
If there is one thing we probably all know about love, it's that it never gives up. Love always perseveres. Even when the going gets tough, love does not give up. You may not feel like changing your baby's diaper at 2 in the morning, but your love will get you out of bed and persevere through your own fatigue. You may not feel like apologizing or making up with your wife after an argument, but your love for her will compel you to do so.
As men, we just can't give up, even if it gets tough. We persevere. Persevering can sometimes be downright painful. We naturally want to avoid pain and discomfort, but love calls us to a higher form of existence. Real love endures even when it is not convenient or comfortable. There is no such thing as a sunny day love. Love endures, perseveres, and even suffers whether the sun is shining, the storm clouds are raging, or the moon is bright with a pack of wolves howling. It perseveres and endures even through tough trying times. It doesn't mindlessly go through these times without a rhyme or reason. It goes through these times because of the hope of an expected end. There is a goal in sight. You eventually get the mindset that "I will not give up, I will not falter, and I will not fail not matter what." You have a destiny and a destination.
We persevere in keeping our vows and in keeping our word. It may not be easy, we may not even feel like it, but that's not the issue. The issue is we persevere for what is good and what is right. Whether it's our families, our work, or whatever goal we have set for ourselves.
We may be tempted in various ways to give up and give in. Sometimes the pressure can be great to just throw in the towel. But we can't give up and we can't give in, our destiny and legacy are depending on us hanging in there. There's no doubt about it, persevering can be very difficult and tough. But tough times don't last, tough people do. Remember God is on our side so we have more than enough help. Let's stand up for what is right and become the men of integrity and character we were created to be. 1 Peter 2:20 tells us "... if you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God."
Men, lets live lives that are commendable before God. With hope and perseverance, we can become what we were created to be and live a life that leaves a legacy that brings honor to our name and glory to God.
The hope and perseverance that comes from real love can will literally change our lives for the better if we let it. For more information on love and becoming the man you are destined to be please click on the following link being a better man

Whatever the Circumstances, Never Lose Hope

Whatever the Circumstances, Never Lose Hope

Expert Author Daniel Kasztura
Even if you have a bad day, even if you feel blue for some reason, even if you think everything goes wrong, never lose hope for the things to come back on track.
You know, sometimes it seems nothing good awaits you. You see only dark clouds in the sky while the sun is shining. And against all odds, you should stand on your feet, rise your head up to the bright skies above you and never lose hope. You must realize that you deserve a better life.
John C. Maxwell has just published his brand new book: "Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn". He tells you very clearly that hope is the motivation of learning. If you can't find in yourself enough hope, it is nearly impossible for you to start learning new things in the world. The truth is you need to be constantly in the know in order to be successful. Never lose hope, otherwise you won't see the motivation necessary to continue the process of learning.
If you are on the way of personal development, you often might feel a ray of hope flowing through your mind. Why is that? You read a good and helpful book or you listen to the extremely informative audio while driving a car. And those activities give you the strength to hope for more.
Never lose hope and you will find out how bright your future may be.
Robert Kiyosaki, the author of bestselling book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" is sure that you should never lose hope, despite any circumstances you face in the world.
According to Kiyosaki, you've spent years pursuing your dreams with your eyes closed listening to the directions of other people who claim to have your best interests at heart. It's time to break away and escape this rat race. Never lose hope and start creating your own future. It's time to open your eyes.
According to John Maxwell, as a leader you should add value to others and give them hope they need to survive. Leadership is all about giving hope. Your followers must believe the impossible is possible for them.
Have in mind that no one can afford to experience the loss of hope. If you lose hope, that may be your last loss, because when hope is gone, so is motivation and the ability to learn.
As Maxwell puts it in his newest book:
"Hope sings when all melodies are gone. It believes when the evidence is limited".
If you are put in a position to face trouble, adversity or conflicts, never lose hope. In these cases, hope is all you need to make you stronger. Hope provides the power that energizes you with life. It keeps you going when times are tough and it creates excitement in you for the future.
That's why you must be always reminded to never lose hope.
John Maxwell thinks it's no coincidence that people who suffer with depression often lack energy. Lack of hope and lack of energy usually go hand in hand. You must be filled with energy to never lose hope.
My name is Daniel Kasztura. I live in Poland. I love being myself. I like the issue of personal development. I want to add value to you by writing about how to grow as a person. I am convinced that you can be a better person if you constantly learn how to develop your personal skills. I would be honored to know you took advantage of the helpful lessons presented here. Good luck:)

No Nonsense Hope

No Nonsense Hope

Expert Author Joe T. White
"Dr. White, your wife has cancer and only has 5 months to live." Life is filled with many challenges. There will be setbacks, and there will be victories, but the most valuable thing that a person can have is hope. Without hope, life is not worth living. I am going to show you how you can have hope, even in the worst situation that will come into your life.
  • What is Hope?
  • Where do I find Hope?
  • How do I acquire Hope?
  • What do I do when there is no hope?
  1. The words hope and trust are often used synonymously in the Old Testament. Websterdefines it: to cherish a desire with anticipation. We sometimes use the term incorrectly when we say, "hope you are feeling better", as a figure of speech. Hope is the undisputed expectation that something spectacular is going to happen. Hope is our base of expecting there is a solution for the situation we may find ourselves in now.
  2. Where do we get this hope? For some, the source is the Holy Bible. For some, a dear friend offers them encouragement. Some turn to the family doctor for hope and inspiration. Hope comes to some through reading inspirational books.
  3. A person can gain hope from many of the same sources where hope is found. It may be a priest or minister. It may be your church or synagogue, but hope can be found. I am reminded of the kids having Christmas, and one of the children had asked for a pony. When he did not get the pony, he found a piece of straw and said, "There's a pony here somewhere!" That my friend is hope. Hope is where you find it.
  4. There will be times when there just is no hope. I have been there. My five year old girl was hit by a hit and run driver and left in the road for dead. When I picked her up in my arms and took her to the hospital, the doctor said, Mr. White, she will not make it through the night. There was no hope. When the doctor came to me and told me that my wife of fifty years had pancreatic cancer and would not survive more than five months. There was no hope. When the doctor held up the X-rays and told me that I was going to have to have a kidney removed, there was no hope. For me, I turned to God and the Holy Scriptures. I turned to friends and found inspiration. You may not believe in God, and I respect your feelings, however, it worked for me. My darling daughter is alive and well today. God brought a beautiful woman into my life after my first wife passed away. My kidney is still functioning, so for me, I found hope, where there was no hope.
I have suffered heartbreaking setbacks and have had some wonderful successes as well. I have written over 25 books and over 100 E-Zines. From life experience, schools, and research I have gained a wealth of knowledge that I like to share. My personal website is:http://www.joetwhite.com

Hope - A POWERFUL Force

Hope - A POWERFUL Force

Expert Author Jen D Wilton
Hope is one of the greatest assets in a Believer's life. Not the "hope for a better day" type hope but HOPE that transforms our everyday lives, and those around us.
Biblical hope is the EXPECTANCY of GOOD, the delightful anticipation of GOOD. Often when the word "hope" is used it's used in the sense of "wishing" for good or for "the best" scenario to play out. But with God, HOPE is SECURE; it's established and cannot be shaken.
The word "expectancy" speaks volumes when referring to Hope. When one is expecting a child there is great joy and exciting unknowns bubbling up all over the place. The pregnancy of this NEW life invades every aspect of one's life- physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. This expectancy is one of great anticipation for the new, and as time goes on that life is formed in the womb of the mother through the nutrients in her own body.
What she feeds herself during her pregnancy is key. If she feeds herself with harmful substances the baby in her womb will be affected by her choices. If she chooses to feed herself with good foods, that benefit one's body, her baby will thrive and grow in a much healthier manner.
This is much like the concept of sowing and reaping. What we sow into our lives we will reap the benefits of-good and bad. HOPE is something we need to feed. The expectancy of GOOD cannot go unattended or it will be stolen by life's circumstances, especially in this present hour. We must be intentional in feeding HOPE.
Hope is a powerful force that can transform lives. Hope helps us press on in the midst of the darkest times. Hope chooses Truth and Life in the midst of depression and barrenness. The greatest Hope we have is Jesus.
When we allow our Hope to be firmly established in Him, when we allow Hope to grow inside the womb of expectancy, we will never, ever, ever be disappointed. How can we Hope in the midst of the darkness? It's all about what we choose to feed ourselves. What we feed will be established in our hearts and lives. Are we feeding Hope or are we feeding despair and hopeLESSNESS?
How do we feed Hope? Through the Word {BREAD} of LIFE {John 6:35} and by renewing our minds through the Word {Romans 12:2}. If we can retrain our minds to BELIEVE & EXPECT the BEST everything would change- how we live, talk and walk in relationship with others.
Why does this matter? Because we've lived in defeat long enough, and as Believers in Jesus Christ it's time for us to RISE up & BE the SOLUTION to the problems around us. We need HOPE to do this. We need to give away the Hope, Life & Love of Jesus in every circumstance.
How? Well, we need to know how DEEP our Heavenly Father's LOVE is for US, first. We need to know that we're HIS children and that He's longing for relationship with us. We need to LIVE in that place of SECURITY and JOY with Him. But it all starts with laying down the lies we've believed for a long time. The lie that we're not "good enough", the lie that "God is vengeful and mean", the lie that "God is distant", and on and on. Once we renew our minds with the Truth of His Word, we won't be able to stop giving away this HOPE.
Hope is a POWERFUL FORCE and the world around us is hungry for it. Will you give away the Hope you have? Will you be one who draws Heaven to earth {Matthew 6:10}? Heaven can come to earth in every circumstance. Joy, life, hope and peace can be our song... if we choose it.Rainbow
We are NOT the victims, we are VICTORIOUS because of all that He is and all that we are in Him. "We are NOT those who shrink back & are destroyed but those who BELIEVE & are saved." Hebrews 10:39.
Sometimes we have to fight for Hope; we have to fight to believe. That's OK, keep fighting, keep standing on the Word of God {the Bible}, and I guarantee that as you build muscles in the struggle, and as you press in and continue to STAND, you WILL see breakthrough in a greater way than ever before.
It's worth the fight. We all fight hopelessness from time to time, but this is not the hour to give in, this is the hour to BELIEVE, this is the hour to RISE UP & CHOOSE Hope. People around us are desperate for it.
Hope is a powerful force. Choose it today. Allow the expectancy of GOOD to form inside of you and you WILL see things in a NEW way-joy and peace will begin to overtake your life and those around you WILL be impacted by the very Kingdom of Heaven.
"May the God of HOPE fill you with all JOY & PEACE as you TRUST IN HIM, so that you may OVERFLOW with the HOPE that comes by the POWER of the HOLY SPIRIT." Romans 15:13
May that be our ANTHEM. Overflowing with HOPE everywhere we go.
Choose HOPE and watch the world around you be transformed.
Here are some great verses to renew our minds with today...
1 John 4:8
1 John 4:18
1 Corinthians 13:1-13 {insert "Jesus" into the places that say "LOVE"}
Genesis 1:27
Psalm 139
2 Corinthians 5:17
Ephesians 1:5
1 Peter 2:9
Romans 8:17
Ephesians 2:5-6
Hebrew 10:39
John 10:27
Romans 8:9-11
Ephesians 1:18-23
2 Corinthians 5:20
Mark 16:15-18
James 5:16
John 14:12
Ephesians 1:3
Luke 17:21
Ephesians 2:10
John 15:1-17

Having Versus Hoping

Having Versus Hoping

Expert Author Sacha Lalla
It is the beginning of the New Year and I can feel myself filled with excitement and anticipation. I am filled with a whole year of blank canvass in which to paint, create and cause. There is so much that I am looking forward to and hoping for.
Hoping. Let's talk about that word.
Hoping... It is a familiar feeling and one that we have all felt and know well. And as soon as I say it, the initial sense of delight is quickly replaces by an immediate sense of regret and dread. 'Hope', 'hoping', 'hopeful'.
No matter how you slice it or say it, the truth is 'hoping' makes no difference. In fact I actually think it can be counterproductive, and even in opposition to, what it is one really wants. What is really going on behind the hoping is the desire for having that item/person/experience/accomplishment. We usually always hope for things that we actually want to have.
Hoping energy is one of excitement, thrill, wide-eyed wonder and being ecstatic. All of these are great feelings that are important and necessary. 'Hoping' and the feelings that go with it offer a wide range of benefits in its own right.
Having energy is different. It is usually a bit more mundane, natural, regular, hum drum and even cavalier. Usually when we already 'have' something it usually occurs as "no big deal".
For example: If you own a red sweater you don't normally go around 'hoping' for one. You may 'hope' for a new or different kind of red sweater, but usually you are not hoping for or yearning for another red sweater exactly the same as the one you already have.
Think of any other thing that you already have. Do you walk around hoping for it? Probably not.
If you are already in a relationship you are usually not hoping for a partner. (You may hope for a new or different partner, but you don't hope for being in a relationship).
If you look, you can see that we don't 'hope' for things we have. Thus, if we are 'hoping' for it, we are also simultaneously saying that "we don't have that'.
To be rigorous with my speaking, me saying or even feeling 'hopeful' about something, actually implies that I am subconsciously telling myself that it is something that I don't have right now.
You can never 'hope' for something you 'have'.
In the same vein, one cannot/does not usually have something that they are hoping for.
'Having' and 'hoping' are, in a sense, mutually exclusive. Subconsciously in your brain, they both cannot exist at the same time for the same thing.
Hope keeps the object of your attention elusive and out of reach, because it is saying "I don't have it right now". Having energy requires the knowing that it is "already in your possession"
The trick then is to smear 'having' energy/thinking onto 'hoping' things.
A few years ago things like vision boards became very popular and were a paltry attempt at creating this. Trying to normalize your dreams in a daily visual cue so that it becomes neutral and sits in the back of our minds as goals for our subconscious.
Placing 'having' feelings and emotions on 'hoping' items is the best way to normalize the thinking such that you can actually manifest and call forth the actions and way of being that will produce those desired results.
One way to do this is to attach things that you are wanting and desire to very normal, almost mundane, parts or aspects of your day.
Thinking of the dream house every time you turn the door handle of your home, feeling the warmth of your future unknown partner every time you pour yourself a glass of milk from your fridge, or even remembering/visualizing your dream career while brushing your teeth.
During those times when you are feeling neutral - think of the thoughts and things you want so that it is as natural and common as everyday tasks. It is that calmness in your body when associated with those dreams, hopes and goals that will ultimately move it from being in a 'hopeful' place of wishful thinking to something you actually 'have' real in your life.
This practice is not easy as many of us can't separate that 'hopeful' wanting for something that is currently not in our possession, and though it seems counter intuitive, it is the path to HAVING everything you hope for!
Sacha Lalla is a Leader, speaker & coach, who helps successful women, who know they were meant for something bigger, take their life to the next level. For more information on Sacha Lalla, or to read other blogs and articles, go to http://www.sachalalla.com or contact her atinfo@sachalalla.com.

How to Nurture a Seed of Hope

How to Nurture a Seed of Hope

Expert Author Ramlit Navarro
A seed of hope is sown in our hearts by faith in God. Faith in God's word normally leads to belief in God's accompanying action in our lives. One believes and hopes in God's promises. And hope precisely consists in believing that God is faithful in fulfilling promises. God never fails and abandons. God does what God says.
God sowed the seed of hope in us. Like any seed that needs to be nourished in order to grow and bear fruit, so it is with hope. Once nurtured, hope bears trust, positive thinking, patience, confidence, perseverance, high aspiration, heightened sense of survival and compassion. Moreover, hope is the inner force that helps to pick ourselves up from the ashes of loss and tragedy. It gives us reason to go on and get through frustrations and setbacks of daily life. Hope is that voice from within telling us to believe in a better future and encouraging us to positively go beyond and keep moving on.
However, hope is not always natural or automatic. On the one hand, some people were born naturally inclined to be hopeful or hopeless, optimistic or pessimistic. On the other hand, individual nurturance can affect our capacity to hope and how we face moments of disappointments and despair. Thus, there is a need to nurture the seed of hope in us and live maturely in hope. Otherwise, hope becomes nothing more than a wishful thinking. For this, some concrete steps are necessary to make what we hope for happen.
As would any other habit, we can nurture hope through the following:
• Set goals and make plans. Draw up strategies and concrete steps to achieve them.
• Have dreams. We must dream big about the future we want but with realistic plans to make them come true.
• Face obstacles positively and creatively. We may win or lose but we never give up. That is hope in action.
• Develop positive self-talk. Thoughts and feelings are inward conversation ought to be channelled in a positive direction. Negative self-talk must be filtered or blocked out to create a space for hope to grow.
• Count blessings, be grateful and celebrate. There are surely reasons to be thankful for and rejoice no matter how bad days may sometimes have been. Rewards for achievements in life help improve one´s sense of hope.
• Acquire positive and avoid negative - people, news, stories, situations etc. Positive things cultivate hope and negative things lead to feelings of despair.
Hope is essentially anchored in the accompanying presence of God who gives us strength to reach our goals. And this strength enables us to make practical steps to keep the fire of hope burning and get us aiming high, craving, transforming, living and even hoping against hope. What was once a seed of hope becomes a grown fortress upon which we are moved to hanker after, confide, claw skyward and fly aloft under God´s tender protection.
Hope is that which inspires Ramlit Navarro, a Brazil-based author who writes about a variety of topics ranging from spirituality, psychology, philanthropy to social issues, religion, internet marketing, non-profit organizations, fund raising and tourism. The author has recommended articles at http://hopemessenger-wordworld.blogspot.com/

Faith's Building Blocks of Hope

Faith's Building Blocks of Hope

Expert Author Steve Wickham
"My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus' blood and righteousness... "
~E. Mote (1837)
There is a vast and sharp difference between a plethora of vain hopes we place our faith in and the one and only Living Hope: righteousness in Jesus' name based on the blood of his once-for-all-and-once-for-all-time sacrifice.
There is evidence of the intention of our hope in the way of both results: vain glory and true glory. We may say we believe and worship the Saviour, but if our living falls short in conceited narcissism - because we are too arrogantly ignorant to notice our selfish pride - then we defeat only ourselves. But we also denigrate the name of God in the process. Would God even get a look-in against the conceitedness of our pride?
When we live subject to Christ, though, by many a manifestation of surrendered allegiance of care beyond merely our own gain, we attest to the True Living Hope: Jesus' blood and righteousness.
In other words, when we believe in the cleansing of Jesus - by Spiritual help outbound of our repentance - we are deemed righteous by our faith.
Only by faith may we realise the anointing of righteousness in Jesus' name.
Much of life we try on the false hope. It's a garment of frustration; an overcoat of eventual despair. This hope is the false design of a good future, because it trusts in a very tenuous, poorly informed, and ultimately forlorn faith.
The false hope, needless to say (though I'll say it), is anything devoid of a surrender, spiritually, before Jesus; the carrying of our crosses for the enlargement of his Kingdom.
Such a false hope, not built of righteousness in the name and blood of Jesus, is a dead, vacuous hope. It's a hope that truly is not a hope at all; yet, many of us try it on, again and again. Those who build on such a hope waste their time (Psalm 127:1).
True hope is a living hope: the Living Hope: Jesus.
What does this mean? Everything that begins in accord to such a thing as the Living Hope has sustainability, prominence, relevance, true meaning and purpose. It encapsulates the great agendas of the world: fiscal, environmental, social.
Our only living hope is to align with every spiritual sinew in us to the Living Hope - to ensure our hope is built on nothing less. This is a tall call. There is none taller, yet none other acceptable.
There is only one hope; a living hope; a hope for life: the Living Hope-the Person and Spirit of Jesus. By his broken body and blood we're healed and made whole by repentance unto salvation and attributed to his righteousness by faith through hope in, and only in, his name.
Our hope is tested by our obedience: to serve the one and only true, living God. Hope fuels faith toward current and future acts of service and love. There is only one Solid Hope.
© 2013 S. J. Wickham.
Steve Wickham is a Registered Safety Practitioner and holds Degrees in Science, Divinity, and Counselling. Steve writes at: http://epitemnein-epitomic.blogspot.com.au/ and http://tribework.blogspot.com.au/

Sowing In Hope, Reaping In Joy

Sowing In Hope, Reaping In Joy

Expert Author Steve Wickham
Faith is like a journey,
With twists and turns oh boy,
Yet when we sow in hope,
We inevitably redeem joy!
Out of the difficult life comes the ever present possibility of joy, but not without first venturing through the tumultuous journey of hope.
Hope, such like, is really a series of faith-decisions where we prefer confidence over hopelessness - even despite a lack of vision to the contrary. Yes, things may appear hopeless, and we may feel helpless, but anticipation can find its way into our demeanour by a decision to see the possibilities for hope.
When we hope for long enough, there is joy at the end.
Our primary challenge is one of resilience. If we can be resilient enough to not give up, to prefer confidence over hopelessness, we will be granted joy in the end. But our hope needs to be based in truth; for a hopeless hope may end in misery.
If our hope is a solid hope we have much reason to be content; joy awaits.
What could we surmise as a bad expectation? Perhaps it is someone we may be infatuated with who we know doesn't feel the same way. Realistically, they won't change their minds. Or, we may hold out hope of equally unrealistic dreams. It pays to have courage enough to seek feedback from trusted others on whether our dreams are realistic or not.
What could we surmise as a good expectation? The hope of being raised upon salvation is a good hope; the Bible promises God will raise us and we will enjoy eternal life, both here and to come. That's a good expectation. Finishing a course of study is a good hope; we can achieve it. Giving our children mechanisms for development sows into a hope for their lives. It's another good expectation with a fair likelihood of a good outcome.
Our hopes have to be realistic, and when they are we have every reason to hope for the joy that will one day be ours.
Hope is our advocate fuelling our faith, and when we sow in hope we will reap joy.
Hope is such an ally, sometimes she is all we have. Even when we don't have hope we can will ourselves into hopefulness by borrowing visions of joy from within creation, and from within our capacities and competencies. There is much we don't ordinarily see that can involve us in hope.
When we sow in hope, we reap in joy. When we believe, many things are made possible.
© 2012 S. J. Wickham.
Steve Wickham is a Registered Safety Practitioner (BSc, FSIA, RSP[Australia]) and a qualified, unordained Christian minister (GradDipBib&Min). Steve writes at: http://epitemnein-epitomic.blogspot.com.au/ and http://tribework.blogspot.com.au/

Understanding Biblical Hope

Understanding Biblical Hope

Expert Author John H Harbison
How would you define biblical hope? Consider this definition:
Biblical hope is to believe so strongly in God's promises regarding the future that it affects the way you live in the present.
Thus biblical hope has an eschatological aspect (it is directed toward the Bible's view of the consummation), an anticipatory aspect (believing with expectation), a convictional aspect (confidence of the eventual possession of what is hoped for), and an ethical/moral aspect (an impact on present thoughts and behaviors).
Let's look a little more closely at each of these four aspects.
1. The eschatological aspect points to the definitive and decisive fulfillment of all of the promises of God as they relate to the eternal future of people and of the universe.
While it is true that biblical hope is primarily directed toward the future (the end of history and the entrance into the eternal state), it is not exclusively future. This eschatological aspect does not discount the fact that our hope grows out of a past event (the saving life and death of Jesus Christ) nor does it discount that our hope has a present aspect (it is a "living" hope - I Peter 1:3).
2. The anticipatory aspect of hope is that most closely tied to the idea of expectation, the willingness to wait for something of value.
Not only does the full realization of this hope lie in the future but the direction of focus for the one who hopes is also toward the future. It is the anticipation, the longing, that what has been promised become reality-Amen, Come Lord Jesus (Revelation 22:20).
3. The convictional aspect of hope has two characteristics and both are related to the concept of faith.
The first is the conviction that what is hoped for is true and real. The second characteristic of the convictional aspect is the confidence of the eventual possession of the object of hope. Even for those who rely upon false or vain hopes, there must be some sense that the object of hope will deliver what it promises and that it may be attained. The convictional aspect of hope must be present.
4. The ethical/moral aspect of hope is a belief in the hope that is so strong that people live their lives now in light of the hope that is coming.
It is in this sense that a hopeless existence robs a person of a life that has meaning and significance in the present. This meaning related to hope can be seen in both the way a person thinks and the way a person acts. Seen in this light, hope is a transformational force in the life of a person.
Are you experiencing the transformational power of a living hope?
Dr. John H. Harbison is the Vice-President for Academic Affairs/College Pastor at a Christian community college in California. His upcoming book, Keeping Christ in Ministry, will be out at the end of July, 2012.
You can read more articles by Dr. Harbison at his blog at http://thegloryofthegrind.wordpress.com

Marketing Hype Or Marketing Hope?

Marketing Hype Or Marketing Hope?

Expert Author Eric Mulford
My focus for the last several years has been insurance sales. Before insurance, it was product sales. Either way I discovered a simple thing - before a sale can take place a whole bunch of marketing has to happen.
Most sales people don't like marketing and it shows up in their sales results. The two are linked but significantly different. Let's distinguish them before we go any further.
Marketing is building a path so that:
  • People who want to buy find you
  • Get to know you
  • Come to trust you
  • Are ready to buy from you
Sales is the actual process of:
  • Making the presentation
  • Closing the sale
  • Taking the order
  • Delivering the goods
Obviously the secret to great sales results begin with effective marketing. But what do you market? Most sales people confuse what they market with what they sell.
If you have a steady stream of people eager to buy what you're selling lining up at your door to buy from you then you understand effective marketing. If you're not selling them - you need. I've met very few sales professions who are in this position. Most sales professionals have marketing problems not sales problems.
No matter what you sell. No matter what you deliver. What you must market if you're to be effective at all is HOPE!
Marketing hope is the key...
Your potential buyer is looking for hope. What they need is hope. What they buy is hope. What you market must be hope!
They hope that if something happens they'll have the money to carry them through the experience. They hope that if they die their children will be cared for. They hope that when they retire they will have enough assets to live as they choose. They hope they can win a battle with a critical illness and not lose their house in the process.
Evaluate your efforts...
Look at how you're selling. Are you pushing a product without providing some hope that your potential buyer will realize because of the purchase?
Look at what you're selling. Have you identified how your product fulfills the promise of hope for your potential buyer? Does it promise hope?
Look at who you're selling. Do you know or can you identify with their need for a hope fulfilled by your product?
Look at you when you're selling. Do you make promises that your deliverable can't keep? Have you considered that a broken promise destroys hope? Are you doing all that you can to make sure you don't destroy hope in your potential client by putting down the competition?
Ask yourself questions...
You know that questioning is important in a sales presentation. As you perfect your questioning skills you improve your closing ratio. When was the last time you asked the same level of serious, probing questions to yourself?
Schedule a review at least once a quarter to see if you need to tweak something or if a complete overhaul is in order.
Evaluating what you're offering from your potential buyer's perspective is essential to marketing hope success.
  • What do they require for a bright future?
  • What hopes and dreams do they have that can be fulfilled by what you're offering?
  • Are you a person of hope or a person of "doom and gloom"?
  • If your competition is offering the same thing as you, are you offering hope be criticizing them?
  • Have I made a list of at least 10 ways that my product and my business can offer my clients hope?
  • Have I seriously considered the place that hope has in the human condition?
  • Am I serious about marketing hope or is this just a gimmick to get sales?
Take time often to evaluate your business. Look serious at what you're doing. Realize that if you don't have a line of people at your door wanting to buy from you then you have a marketing issue not a sales issue. You need marketing training not sales training. Marketing hope is what gets the line at the door.
Marketing hope... it's the only hope you have of increasing your sales!
Knowing how to market your agency is the key to having an unlimited number of people to do business with you. A lack of marketing skills can prevent your success. Eric Mulford has developed the tools necessary to help you. Take this brief Marketing Hope Survey to see prepared you are.