الأربعاء، 9 أبريل 2014

Hang on to Hope

Hang on to Hope

Expert Author Scott Wimberly
What does hope mean to you? Do you have hope today? For me hope is the one thing that has kept me going on many occasions. Hope and faith; a strong belief for what is going to happen in our lives; for the good.
There is a verse in the Bible in the Old Testament that says; Return to the stronghold [of security and prosperity], you prisoners of hope; even today do I declare that I will restore double your former prosperity to you (Zec 9:12). The part about security and prosperity are good, but we have to have hope if that is going to take place. I want to encourage you today to become a prisoner of hope.
Under most circumstances when we talk about being a prisoner it's not a good thing, but in this case it is an awesome thing. To be a prisoner of hope to me has meant that no matter the situation I am in that I still believe in hope. There have been times when I only had just a sliver of hope but I stood on it and believed against all odds. When we have hope in what God has told us and planned for our lives then you do have something to stand on. When a person loses hope they lose everything.
No matter what your situation is today; please don't lose hope. Hope may only seem like a little glimmer far off, but focus on it, stand on it, and believe on it. Hope has kept folks alive in the most desperate of situations and it will do the same for you. Hang on hope. Today is your day. Believe that today is going to be your best day ever and tomorrow looks even better.
If you want to discover and live your destiny; go to http://www.scottwimberly.com or contact us at 205-210-9311. There are more resources available for your journey.
Scott Wimberly is a Life Coach/Writer. He writes and coaches about your destiny and purpose. How to take your personal gifts and talents and use them to fulfill and reach your destiny. He is an encourager to all and will assist you in your destiny quest in your life.
He can be reached at http://www.scottwimberly.com

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